
At Top10medAlertSystems.com we provide more or less detailed reviews of the most popular medical alert system companies and their services.

Apart from the interactive comparison chart we also give detailed descriptions of medical emergency response systems – the ones with the longest history and experience at the market and the ones that are new but perspective. However, we do not represent any special testing squad or a quality control group. We collect the information from various sources on the Internet and combine it together into a comprehensive and useful review articles.

Our resources are trustworthy review websites and various health and medical magazines and websites(such as American Medical Association and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

We do our best to provide the most adequate and up-to-date information about medical alert systems that people would find interesting and useful. The comparison chart as well as reviews serve to make the choice easier, however, again, the data is drawn up on the basis of the information that has not been tested but collected on the Internet from reliable sources.

For that reason we cannot guarantee that all the companies reviewed on our site work in the exact way they are described and have the same level of service quality as they claim.