Elder Care
Having your aging parents around, all fit and well is a luxury not everyone can boast of. Unfortunately, for the majority of people aging brings some health complications and the necessity for care and assistance grows exponentially.
At some point all the brilliant solutions for independent living are to be left aside. When medical alert systems are no longer able to cover the needs of an aging parent or family member, it is time to look for other products and services. Good news that there are plenty of those available nowadays.
There is a growing interest to the topic of aging and much more attention is paid both to this age group and their needs in all industries. At the present moment there are numerous websites that offer various types of elder care, products and services – and another piece of good news ? you can choose one that both suits your needs and fits your budget.
Here is the list of the most popular and recommended organizations and services:
Find Your Elderly Care
The Eldercare Locator was developed by the U.S. Administration on Aging and represents a free-of-charge service for seniors and their caregivers who seek information about elder care services and organizations. The site offers information with regards to your location.
One more elder care services locator. It is a a nationwide network of various providers and facilities for seniors.
Provides a variation of elderly care options from home care services to community locations’ and home care agencies’ addresses.
American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
This is a network of more than 5 thousand assistant living and elderly care locations and services. The service allows finding the best offers in your vicinity.
Guide on Ailments
Useful medical aliments guide provided by the Library of Medicine at the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Easy to browse and read; comprehensive and contains info about all medical conditions known.
Guide on Medications
Useful medications guide provided by WebMD; represents the largest medicine database with full descriptions.
Senior Products
The site is supported on the federal level and provides plethora of information with regards to all senior-related products (devices, gadgets, equipment, etc.). Useful resource with prices, descriptions and reviews.
Food and Dining
Helpful resource on senior catering. Offers inexpensive meals to home-staying elderly people. There is a location finder that searches for local agencies-participants of the program.
House Tips
Apart from other useful information AARP offers advice on house reconstruction and alternation with regards to a senior member living in it. Plenty of recommendations that will help making your house environment more senior-friendly.
Finance Help
American Association of Daily Money Managers
Some financial assistance here for seniors and their caregivers. The site offers finding you a local financial manager to help with your personal financial affairs.
Law for Seniors
National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
Some information and advice on law for seniors and their caregivers can be found here as well as local addresses of the attorneys who specialize in the field.
Sharing Experience
A place to share caregiving experience, give and take advice.